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Suchitra Chandar

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Kilimanjaro for Amnesty


Dear friends and family,
I'm participating in the challenge of a lifetime and have committed to take part in Amnesty International's Climb Kilimanjaro in 2015.
I have never undertaken anything so big before and I am indebted to Lobo and Koda, our Malamutes who have brought me this far in terms of mental and physical fortitude to even contemplate this.
As always, Satish, my partner in all my 'crimes' is being my rock! He has selflessly let me fly.
In doing this trek, I'm going to be raising much needed funds for Amnesty International Australia to assist them in their stance against those facing injustice and abuse. Please help me raise vital funds to ambitiously defend human rights in every corner of the world.
When I started this page some weeks ago, I was not expecting to get to even the half-way mark of the 'fundometer'. I set an arbitrary target of $5000.
By your extreme and spontaneous generosity, you have all given me a big emotional boost and continued inspiration to undertake this trip.
I really do appreciate your continued support, dear folks, as I believe the cause taken up by Amnesty International, is worth every bit of funding they can get, be it small or big.

So do please continue your donations.

Together we can make a difference!
Click on Donate Now to make a secure online tax-deductible donation. 
On behalf of the those helped through Amnesty's amazing work, thanks for your support!

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Amnesty International Australia

Amnesty International believes in equal human rights for all. Amnesty International Australia is part of the global movement of more than 7 million individuals committed to defending those who are denied justice or freedom. We work in Australia and around the world to stand up to injustice and protect those facing abuse. To do this, we mobilise people, campaign, conduct research and raise money for our work.

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